I know it has been a while since I posted here. I have been fairly preoccupied with various aspects of my life. Not least of which has been the decommissioning of my office and moving everyone into a new office 20 minutes further away. That being said, I am posting an update now and will try to get back into a more frequent update schedule. With this update I am creating a new sunset gallery under the photography page, and I am now using a more fancy gallery as well!
I have taken a liking to taking pictures of sunsets. Working late and transitioning to a new office has afforded me the opportunity to capture the sunset in various locations, and work on my photo composition and editing. I really feel like I am starting to become a halfway competent photographer, but I still have much to learn. I have some additional photos I have taken, and plan to take so I should have some interesting new content to upload soon as well.
On a side note, I am starting to include a watermark on my photographs. Not that I am trying to be professional or anything, but I feel like it is in line with my personal branding that I am trying to establish 😉
Please check out my Sunset Gallery!